
पेट में जलन और दर्द की समस्या को कैसे दूर करेगी आयुर्वेदिक या घरेलू उपाय ?
Ayurvedic treatment

पेट में जलन और दर्द की समस्या को कैसे दूर करेगी आयुर्वेदिक या घरेलू उपाय ?

  • June 7, 2023


गलत खानगी या ज्यादा तला भुना खाने की वजह से कई बार हमारे पेट में जलन और दर्द की समस्या उत्पन हो जाती है और अचानक हमे ये समस्या अगर…

कौन-सी चीजे खाने से पेट में होता है दर्द और आयुर्वेद में कैसे है इसका इलाज !
AyurvedicAyurvedic Doctor

कौन-सी चीजे खाने से पेट में होता है दर्द और आयुर्वेद में कैसे है इसका इलाज !

  • June 5, 2023


तंदरुस्त खाने की कमी और गलत खान-पान की वजह से अक्सर हमारे पेट में दर्द की समस्या उत्पन हो जाती है, जो आगे चल के काफी परेशानी खड़ी कर देती…

जानिए Ayurveda डॉ. के उपाय जो देंगे आपको भयंकर तेजाब से राहत
Acid Reflux

जानिए Ayurveda डॉ. के उपाय जो देंगे आपको भयंकर तेजाब से राहत

  • May 22, 2023


भयंकर तेजाब या हाइपरऐसिडिटी आजकल कई लोगों को परेशान कर रही है। यह पेट में जलन, अपच, अम्लता का उत्सर्जन और जीभ में तीव्र प्रदाह के कारण होता है। आयुर्वेद…

Ayurvedic Approaches to Overcoming Loss of Libido

Ayurvedic Approaches to Overcoming Loss of Libido

  • May 15, 2023


Loss of libido, or a diminished sexual drive, can influence all kinds of people, causing trouble and affecting close relationships. While there can be different reasons for this condition, Ayurveda…

Get detailed information about Nadi pareeksha with Ayurveda
AyurvedicAyurvedic Pulse

Get detailed information about Nadi pareeksha with Ayurveda

  • November 16, 2022


Nadi Pareeksha – Ayurvedic Approach For Better Health Diagnosis What’s an accurate method of diagnosis? Considering the Ayurveda that offers a natural and effective approach there’s Nadi Pareeksha (Pulse reading).…

How much time do ayurvedic medicines take to work for health issues?

How much time do ayurvedic medicines take to work for health issues?

  • November 11, 2022


Ayurvedic medicine: How long does it take to show results? The term Ayu and Veda are derived from the Sanskrit language. Since ancient times, it’s been an important part of…

How effective is the Ayurvedic treatment for respiratory allergy?
AyurvedicAyurvedic Doctorrespiratory allergy

How effective is the Ayurvedic treatment for respiratory allergy?

  • November 1, 2022


Do you often have difficulty due to weather changes? In that case, there might be difficult to keep your health in a better state, and over time there can be…

How are ayurvedic herbs and nutraceuticals the perfect choice for well-being?
Ayurvedic Doctor

How are ayurvedic herbs and nutraceuticals the perfect choice for well-being?

  • October 27, 2022


Ayurvedic Herbs and Nutraceuticals: Can Ayurceuticals be the New Genre?    The ancient data is filled with an abundance of knowledge about Indian ethics and much more. One of the integral…

Boost Your Immunity Power With The Help Of Ayurvedic Medications
AyurvedicAyurvedic DoctorAyurvedic treatment

Boost Your Immunity Power With The Help Of Ayurvedic Medications

  • October 15, 2022


With the rise of pollution levels and stress, we are noticing that the world has been changing rapidly. These problems are damaging to the human body, which has made staying…

Which ayurvedic remedies are helpful to control food allergies?
AyurvedicAyurvedic Doctorfood allergies

Which ayurvedic remedies are helpful to control food allergies?

  • October 10, 2022


Many people are struggling with Food allergies worldwide that affect approximately three to four percent of adults and six to eight percent of children. The primary reason behind this is…