How does Ayurveda aim at strengthening the immunity of the children?

How does Ayurveda aim at strengthening the immunity of the children

How does Ayurveda aim at strengthening the immunity of the children?

  • June 8, 2021


Nowadays, it is becoming extremely challenging for parents to inculcate healthy habits in their children. Earlier the kids used to be jolly and worry-free. But the increased competition and willingness to score well in the exams have made the lives of the children even more burdensome.

And also children are the ones who are prone to get sick very early. So it becomes even more challenging for the patients to make their children healthy and fit. But parents can’t stay with their children their whole life long. But they can surely contribute to boosting the immunity power of their children which will stay with them their whole life long.

What is the importance of immunity for children?

If the immune system of the individuals will be trained, then it can help the children’s body to fight against several illnesses. Not only this but not even the harmful toxins will be allowed to enter the system which can deteriorate the growth of the kids.

Ayurveda has understood the importance of a strong immune system for children. So for a long time, it has dedicated a particular branch to deal with the diagnosis and the treatment of children ‘s health problems. This branch is known as the Kaumarbhrutya.

What does Kaumarbhrutya focus on?

It primarily takes the following aspects important as far as the health of the child is concerned:

  • Immunity
  • Digestion
  • Metabolism
  • Nutrition

Important information

Ayurveda also knows that the health of the children is significantly dependent on the mother’s health. So this branch also deals with the prenatal care of the mothers.

So here are some suggestions from Ayurveda that are necessary to boost immunity.

  • Breastfeeding

According to ayurvedic science, breastfeeding is very important for children. This is why it is devised that the mothers should breastfeed their child for about 1 year. No other kind of milk can be as beneficial and nutritious for the child as breast milk as it is rich in antibodies.

Also, consider this

Make sure that your child is sleeping soundly without any disturbance. The newborn babies are required to have 18 hours of sleep. While the toddlers are required to have 12 hours of sleep.

  • Keep their digestive systems healthy

Children can only lead a healthy life if their digestive systems are healthy. So it is required for children to eat nutritious and home-cooked meals. I know, children nowadays find junk food as the tastiest food. But here comes your parenting. You need to think of ways by which you can make your children eat healthy food with interest and taste.

  • Massage with Oil

For keeping the nervous system relaxed, it is mandatory to massage the full body of the child with either sesame oil or mustard oil. It also helps to rejuvenate the tissues and promote the healthy and ideal circulation of the blood.

Bottom LIne

You cannot inculcate healthy habits in your child by making them scared or scared. Rather you should make them understand the importance of everything so that they feel convinced that they ought to be doing the particular thing.