What’s the Ayurvedic treatment approach of Janu Basti for knee issues?

Janu BastiKnee Pain

What’s the Ayurvedic treatment approach of Janu Basti for knee issues?

  • March 14, 2022


Ayurvedic treatment for knee joint

Knee joints in Sanskrit are known as Janu Sandhu. The Ayurvedic treatment for knee joints is known as ‘Janu Basti.’ Suppose you have any problem with your knees. In that case, it’s worth consulting the experienced doctor at one of the best Ayurvedic clinic in Ludhiana to know about the appropriate method to address the problem.


What is Janu Basti in Ayurveda?

The Janu Basti is the procedure done for knee joints. During the process, the knee joint is bathed with warm medicated oil, or fresh herbal decoction is used. When you consult the Ayurvedic Doctor Ludhiana, your condition is appropriately analyzed. If the situation demands, it is performed on both knee joints, or sometimes on one joint. Janu vasti is like a knee therapy or massage performed for the rejuvenation purpose for the Janu marma.


How is the Janu Basti done to address knee problems?

Here are the possible steps that are done to address this condition:

  • The person is asked to lie on the massage table on the back.
  • A reservoir made of black gram dough is put on the knee joint. The dough ring needs to be that the knee joint is covered correctly.
  • Once it is checked that there is no such leakage, then the herbal decoction or medicated oil in a lukewarm state is poured slowly over the knee joint. As it begins to cool down, the excess is taken out, and then the same steps are done again.
  • Once the procedure is done, the ring is removed, and then the affected area is massaged gently. While it’s being done, it’s essential for the person to take a rest for some time.


How much time does Janu Basti take?

The total time taken by the treatment is around 30 minutes.


What are the benefits of Janu Basti: Ayurvedic Treatment?

Here are some of the fantastic benefits given by the Janu Basti treatment:

  • This Ayurvedic treatment is a great way to reduce the extent of aggravated Vata dosha in the knee region.
  • It helps the knee joint lubricate properly, and it helps keep the knee joint structure in a better state.
  • Helps to take away the pain and stiffness present in the knee joint.
  • Helps the knee joint to be in the protected form, especially when the issue is due to age.
  • The knee joint gets all the necessary nourishment, and it even increases the blood circulation to the knee area.
  • Knee joint mobility is boosted, which includes knee extension and knee flexion.


Which are the conditions for which Janu Basti is the best choice?

Here are some of the conditions for which Janu Basti is the preferred choice:

  • Osteoarthritis of knee joints
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthrosis of knee joints
  • Chronic pain of the knee joint