How effective is Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis? How does it work?


How effective is Ayurvedic treatment for Psoriasis? How does it work?

  • April 6, 2022


Ayurveda and Psoriasis: Is it effective?

Psoriasis is one of the long-lasting conditions that are difficult to treat. If you are struggling with the same, then better try out the best Ayurvedic medicine to help deal with the symptoms. When you consult one of the best Ayurvedic Doctor Ludhiana, the primary focus on addressing health issues are given through changing diet plans, helping you build an exercise regime, and suggesting the right kind of Ayurvedic medications. If you have Psoriasis and wish to go down the road of an Ayurvedic treatment plan, consult the doctor before planning for the next step.

How does Ayurvedic treatment work?

The Ayurvedic medicinal approach is based on five key components: air, earth, fire, water, and space. By combining all these, the major life forces are formed, which are named doshas. If your condition is getting out of control and you want to treat yourself through safe and sound practice, then schedule an initial consultation at one of the best Ayurvedic clinic in Ludhiana.


As per the Ayurvedic practitioner, it’s believed that if the Kapha and Vata dosha is not balanced, then Psoriasis can occur. Apart from that, these factors can trigger problems like:

  • Stress
  • Toxins
  • Food options like seafood, yogurt, salty food, and other options are there


What type of Ayurvedic treatment is suitable for Psoriasis?

The initial suggestion by an Ayurvedic practitioner is to always help your entire situation by checking the symptoms and the kind of lifestyle you live. The Ayurvedic expert suggests the following suggestions:

  • Diet change
  • Herbs
  • Massage oil
  • Laxatives or enemas
  • Oil application on the body
  • Controlled vomiting
  • Blood cleansing through herbs or bloodletting method (Drains out blood from the body)

To seek the best suggestion depending on your condition, you always have to get the doctor’s assistance.


Ayurveda suggested natural remedies for Psoriasis

  • Make diet healthy

Ayurveda focuses on living a healthy and well-balanced life. Make sure to drink lots of water and green leafy vegetables. You have to cut down on the intake of red meat, spicy food, alcohol, acidic food, and junk food.

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is a bright yellow orange spice that works excellent for Psoriasis. Moreover, its intake works great for inflammation reduction, and it’s even filled with antioxidant properties.

  • Olive oil

Olive oil is great for applying to Psoriasis, and it helps reduce irritation & dryness.

  • Milk thistle

The psoriasis symptoms are reduced through Ayurvedic herbs, and it helps with your immune system.

  • Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which works great when applied to the skin. The application helps the nerve endings to get blocked and helps to reduce pain.

  • Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the wonder ingredients. You can see many brands coming up with extracted aloe-vera gel and aloe-vera-based products. It does work effectively on itching and scaling.