What Is Cirrhosis, Its Causes, Symptoms And Ayurvedic Treatment?

Liver Cirrhosis

What Is Cirrhosis, Its Causes, Symptoms And Ayurvedic Treatment?

  • June 7, 2022


What Is Cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is basically an autoimmune disease in the liver which is characterized by abnormal function in them. It is an issue in which the tissue of the scar slowly replaces the liver’s healthy tissues. The scar tissues that replace the healthy liver tissues basically block the flow of blood from the liver. This setback slows down the processing of the hormones, nutrients, drugs, and also naturally produced toxins. Apart from that, it also puts a dent in the production of the proteins and other substances that the liver makes.

What Are The Causes Of Cirrhosis?

Let us now learn about the causes of cirrhosis:

In most cases, the real cause of cirrhosis is due to the negligence of the lover or when you strain it way too much.

Another common factor that results in cirrhosis is consuming alcohol. We are very well aware of the impact of high levels of alcohol consumption and how it damages the cells of the liver. There are various liver diseases that alcohol causes, which include from simple to uncomplicated fatty liver (steatosis) to even alcohol cirrhosis to hepatitis. How much and how you drink are the main factors that determine the impact alcohol has on your liver.

It is very important to get Liver Disease Ayurvedic Treatment in Punjab so that you treat the condition with a reliable option at an early stage to remove any complications later on in your life.

Apart from alcohol, there are also other concerns that might trigger cirrhosis in the liver. Some of those causes include:

  • Having fatty livers
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Blockage of the bile duct
  • Cystic fibrosis,
  • Exposure to prolonged environmental toxins,
  • Parasitic infections
  • Reaction to prescription drugs.

There are also some cases in which the Ayurvedic Doctor in Ludhiana cannot find the real cause of the problem.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cirrhosis?

It is necessary to know about the signs that might indicate cirrhosis in the liver so that you can visit an ayurvedic doctor to treat it with Ayurveda.

You should know that there are all different types of signs and symptoms of cirrhosis, and it is not vital to have all those. Some of the more common signs that indicate cirrhosis in the liver are:

  • Jaundice / elevated bilirubin levels
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itching in some cases
  • Nausea
  • Swelling in legs in an advanced stage
  • Weight loss in an advanced stage
  • Confusion, drowsiness, and slurred speech (hepatic encephalopathy) in the terminal stage
  • Spider-like blood vessels on the skin

What Is The Ayurvedic Treatment For Cirrhosis?

Ayurveda is one of the most reliable options to treat the problem of cirrhosis in the liver. The reason behind people choosing Ayurveda as an option to treat their problems is its risk-free or no side-effect policy. Apart from that, it is also a great choice to ensure that you are getting a treatment that will work efficiently on your body. With personalized medication, this problem is eradicated without any hassle.

Liver Cirrhosisliver diseases

Some Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Treat To Have A Healthy Liver

  • June 2, 2022


Fatty Liver

The liver in the human body is used for the primary filtration system and also for natural multitasking. It basically helps regulate the fundamental part of the body’s overall system of turning toxins into waste products, metabolizing nutrients, cleansing blood, and medication. It also provides the human body with the most essential nutrients that are required in the body. By getting Liver Disease Ayurvedic Treatment in Punjab, you can get rid of any problem that you might face in the liver. Ayurveda is the perfect way to treat such a condition without harming it further with its strong medication like conventional methods.

The liver plays a vital role in many aspects that impact human well-being and health in a significant way. The experts have recognized the necessity of ayurvedic treatment in an ayurvedic center in Punjab. There are so many strategies and techniques in such medication to help patients with liver diseases. Because of their understanding of liver diseases, the therapy strategies gave us some of the most efficient and best home remedies to get rid of fatty liver with a hint of ayurvedic treatment.

 Ayurvedic Tips And Home Remedies For Liver

Given below is a list of techniques or ayurvedic home remedies you can try at home to help prevent your liver’s diseases. In fact, the Ayurvedic Doctor in Ludhiana also suggests such ways to help their patient.


  • Milk thistle

Milk thistle is one of the best options to get rid of or decrease the inflammation of the liver. In recent studies, the experts have also seen some of the best positive results in the patient who tried out milk thistle. It basically helped them to reduce the chemical-induced damage in the liver while simultaneously preventing liver toxicity at the time of chemotherapy. As it is an ayurvedic treatment, it does not have any toxic ingredients in it, which makes it more powerful while also allowing the patient to take medicine for a longer period of time without worrying about the consequences. People also largely use this as an option to increase liver health.


  • Turmeric extract

We all know the valuable impact of turmeric because of its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory abilities. According to the studies, the doctor has found out that turmeric extract is actually a very powerful ingredient for liver health. It technically helps protect the liver against any injury and protects the liver from any kind of damage that happens because of toxins in the body. People who take strong medication for health conditions such as diabetes or other issues that might directly or indirectly hurt their liver because of long term use of such medication. And you would not be surprised to learn that turmeric or Haldi is one of the primary ingredients found in the ayurvedic treatment for liver problems.