11 Natural Ayurvedic Products That Can Help You Treat Gallstones


11 Natural Ayurvedic Products That Can Help You Treat Gallstones

  • July 14, 2022


Ayurveda is also known as “The Science of Nature.” Originated from India almost 500 years ago. The ideology of Ayurveda is creating a balance between mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda’s main goal is not only to eliminate health conditions but also promotes overall health and immunity. Ayurveda is undoubtedly one of the oldest holistic treatments that target the healing of the overall health of the body.

In this blog, we are going to discuss the Gallbladder Stone Ayurvedic Treatment. 

The ayurvedic treatment for gallstones revolves around the real cause of the health condition that happens because of the cleansing of the liver and also because of the gallbladder to restore their normal operation.

Three Doshas In Ayurveda And Its Vital Role In Forming Gallstones

According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas that play a very significant role in forming gallstones. Those three doshas include: 

  • Pitta Dosh: It is the primary reason for the excessive increase of its leads to bladder stones. The increase in pitta doshas is because of too much spicy and hot food and alcohol consumption. 
  • Kapha Dosh: This is aggravated by protein-rich and fatty food items that altogether form a highly sticky substance in the gallbladder.
  • Vata dosh: This dosh aggravates the dryness in the combination of the pita and the Kapha dosha formed, resulting in stones. 

Ayurvedic Treatment To Treat Gallstones

These are some of the most common medicines or products of Ayurveda that the Ayurvedic Doctor in Punjab uses to treat gallstones. 

●    Kumaryasavam

This product helps in such conditions with increased or aggravated Kapha doshas. It helps in regulating and also balancing the same.

 ●    Abhayarishtam

This herb is known for its fruitful concoction that contains phytochemicals that help in protecting against a lot of possible infections that are related to the gallbladder. 

  • Tamra Bhasma

It helps reduce the Kapha dosha and detoxifies pitta dosha by promoting its proper flow. 

  • Dadimadi Ghritam

This herb has hepato- protective effects. 

  • Avipathi Churnam

This helps in maintaining the pitta and also regulating its secretion. Its main job is to tame the increase in liquid quality of pitta dosha. 

  • Triphaladi Churnam

It helps treat urinary tract infections and digestion issues while acting as a detoxifier.

  • Drakshadi Kashayam

This product helps in curing the bladder and the lever disorder. It basically balances the pitta as well as the Kapha. Thus, it becomes very useful in treating gallstones. 

●    Patolakaturohinyadi Kashayam

Its main job is to decrease the bad cholesterol in the body and also help in detoxification of the liver with its anti-toxic properties. 

●    Vasaguluchyadi Kashayam:

It is valuable in balancing and maintaining the pitta imbalances and complications in the liver. 

●    Trivril Leham

It is a beneficial herb which is in the form of jam. The ayurvedic clinic in Ludhiana uses this for ayurvedic panchakarma treatment, also known as virechana. 

●    Dasamulaharitaki Leham

It plays the role of an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory medication that can help control the bladder’s swelling.


Contact Dr. Vatsyayan’s Sanjivani Ayurvedshala and book your initial consultation with our doctor’s ayurvedic treatment.